Błąd APP-AR-11017 przy próbie modyfikacji dnaych faktury

Rozwiązanie: należy zmodyfikować  (term_id) warunek płatności na formatce „transakcje” tak aby był zgodny z tym z formatki „raty”

informacje z metalinka:


The information in this article applies to:

Oracle Receivables – Version: 11.5
This problem can occur on any platform.
ARXTWMAI – Transactions




Copy invoice fails with the error message :
APP-AR-11017 'Recreation of Payment Schedules failed because the transaction has activity against it’


Bug 2510929 ARXTW: APP-AR-11017 RECEIVE ERROR WHEN TRYING TO APPLY CREDIT MEMO TO INVOICEThe problem was likely to have happened on old data that was upgraded.
The cause of the error was not found and the problem is not reproducable


The problem is because the term_id in the ar_payment_schedules_all table is not the same as the term_id in the ra_customer_trx_all table.Check to see if there are any invoices where the terms are not equal.SELECT p.payment_schedule_id ps_id,
p.term_id ps_term_id,
t.term_id cu_term_id
FROM ra_customer_trx_all t,
ar_payment_schedules_all p
WHERE t.customer_trx_id = p.customer_trx_id
AND t.term_id

Please contact Oracle Support Services quoting this article to request a datafix.


Bug 2510929 – Arxtw: App-Ar-11017 Receive Error When Trying To Apply Credit Memo To Invoice

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