API – należności


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AR Invoice API allows users to create an invoice using simple calls to PL/SQL functions. The Invoice Creation API is another options for Transaction creation does not mean replacement of Transaction workbench, AutoInvoice, or the Transaction API program.

dgreybarrowWith this API’s you can manage

Single or multiple invoice(s) creation when you required
This will extensive defaulting which minimizes the programming effort
Validation ensures quality data
You can use debug messages in a central repository that improves coding efficiency
You can get immediate results

dgreybarrowHow to start with API’s Usage

Very similar to AutoInvoice , you need following setup.

Payment Terms
Invoice Transaction Type
Transaction Batch Source
Remit to Address

Optional Setup

Document Numbering
Inventory or Memo line id

Additionally you need to make sure these should be used


dbms_application_info.set_client_info(’&Org_id’); — if using TOAD or sqlplus



dgreybarrowWhat are the API’S


This API will have 2 routine call, which you can either create single/multiple in batch or single invoice.

tickar_invoice_api_pub.create_invoice: Creates multiple invoices in a batch.
tickar_invoice_api_pub.create_single_invoice: Creates a single invoice and return customer trx id.

dgreybarrow Important Tips and notes

These API can only be used to create new transactions, not use for update existing ones.
This API can only create 'INV’ type transactions. It is not desgined to create Debit Memos/credit memo.
When you load via the AR_INVOICE_API_PUB it populates the temp tables AR_TRX_HEADER_GT, AR_TRX_LINE_GT
The transaction number is populated when automatic transaction numbering is selected on the transaction batch source.
The Publically supported transaction API is AR_INVOICE_API_PUB have source file ARXPINVB.pls , ARXPINVS.pls.
You can take advantage of parameter p_commit, very similar way the HR API’s are using. If you want to make just a validation, always start with p_commit=false

dgreybarrowAutoinvoice Vs Transactions API
Its depends , what is comfortable level. Autoinvoice is one of such robust tool that cater the external interfacing need, therefore is always advisable to use an Interface as it is available.

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