Debugowanie concurrent request using FND: Debug Log %

Profile options oraz query do debugowania concurrent requestu:

  1. enable the debug info by setting the following profiles (to be set at the user level for the user who is performing the test case !) in System Options in System Administrator responsibility:
    FA: print Debug = Yes 
    FND: Debug Log Enabled = Yes 
    FND: Debug Log Level = Statement 
    FND: Debug Log Module = 
  2. Run program
  3. Run the script after the request completes in an excel file:
    select log_sequence,module,message_text,log_level 
    from fnd_log_messages 
    where transaction_context_id = 
    (select transaction_context_id 
    from fnd_log_transaction_context 
    where transaction_id =&con_request_id) 
    order by log_sequence;


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